Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 1

I have for some time been considering one of these but frankly couldn't be arsed.Today however,with fuck all happening other than a magpie shitting on my thigh while i considered buying some new novelty slippers,i decided enough was enough and today was the day.

So here it is...

At the moment it's rather like the lass next door i.e. not much to look at.

I hope to make it interesting first and foremost to myself,coz let's face it,if i don't read it,i very much doubt any other twat will.

It's content shall mainly include Poker badbeats,of which i specialise,and anything of interest that has happended to me on that particular day,occasionally beefed up by what i can only describe as pure and utter bullshit,in order to make me appear more windswept and interesting.

Thanks for stopping bye,please call again(though frankly i give not a shit whether you do or not)

Take care



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