Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday 18th

Had a bit of a late session last night due being involved at the FT of the 23.15 5 dollar Omagha at which i somehow managed to Muff my way into 3rd place,picking up 56 dollars.Not bad for 3 hours work!!
As usual a good laff was had with the Nutz crew who helped stop me falling akip with their saucy innuendo's and vulgar chit chat.I also inadvertently mentioned i was playing the FT stark bollock naked but i am hoping they have forgotten all about that by now.

Earlier in the day i limped to 8th in the 11am but busted out with my blind steal of A10 running into AA. I SO FUCKING HATE SNEAKY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!! and breathe.........

Weather in Whippet Country is frankly far to blumming hot.Normally at this time of year i am wearing my Snorkel jacket and a pair of Doc Martens,so ffs God,sort it out m8!!

Today i broke the news to my pet Rabbit Flopsy,that she may well be making her debut in the Dream team game as Vad has offered me 3/1 at £100 that i don't go out first,which of course i would do if i personally played.Flopsy is what i would call a tight/aggressive player but sometimes has a tendency to over committ pre-flop with PP's.However,as she is a 6 month old Rabbit i feel i can forgive her this frankly small fault in her game.

My other Rabbit, Dan, doesn't give a flying fuck about Poker but will,if you stay in his run too long,hump the living daylights out of your ankle given half a chance.A chip off the old block is Dan,as i was the same as a teenager.

Anyhows,must dash,got the 18.15 high stack to play,which i no doubt will bust out of early doors as per fucking usual.

Take care and thanks for stopping by.


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