Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another bollocks day poker wise.Had to actually do some work today,so couldn't play til the 2pm rebuy.I battled my way to the Final table,only to get dragged off shopping by the wife,so finished tenth making aboslutely zilcho,diddly squat fuck all.

Then played the 20.30 and built up to 5k only to lose to a flush chaser when i had 2 pair.Then same thing happened in the 22.15,and i lost in 20th in the 9pm rebuy to my 1010 running into a real sneaky bastard who had the fucking nerve to call me with AA.Wanker!!!!

Don't these fuckwits no i am a poker God and not to call or raise me however strong their hands are??? Fools.

I am now about to arse about in the 23.15 Omagha,but hopefully will get muffed early doors so i can get a reasonably early night as tomorrow is Dan's birthday and i want to clean his cage and give him some nice cauliflower.

Take care all (unless your the twat who knocked me out of a tourney in which case,fuck u twat!!!)


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