Saturday, July 22, 2006

Not sure why i bother playing Poker as it seems like even when i have success it's like 3 hours of stress to muff out about 8th for like 17 dollars.

Today for example,i rose at 8am,and got out of bed at 8.15 and decided to try for the first time ever the early morning freezout at 8.30am.

I managed to muff my way to the final table,even beating AA with j9(they were suited ffs,don't pontifcate to me twat coz you once watched later night poker) and then busted out when my A10 ran into KK.Funny but my KK always runs into A10 and loses but cest la vie.Ended up 6th for 17 dollars and only 3 hours work.The little kids making the replica shirts for Scumchester United actually earn more per hour.

He he i thought,what a fab day i'm gonna have,this poker game is easy peasy,loads of fish to fry etc etc

Sadly i never won another bean hence i'm having this late rant!!

Anyhow,must get back to the table,im in the 20k quick stack,laterz and gl at the tables(aslong as your not at mine) xx flanders


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