Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Jat is the Daddy!

I am very proud of my boy Jat today after his top 40 finish in the Daddy.I haven't always been a fab father after i conceived him at Glastonbury in 1973,but he has more than made up for lost time in recent years after me and his mam had a chance encounter in a motorway toilet in 1997 after i stopped off to visit the Little chef.

Since then i have watched with pride as he struck his first hole in one in 1998 with a girl from Chippenham who was camping with her dad.I also saw his first Royal flush when Prince William asked him during a round of golf,whether much cottaging went on in the bushes of the local 18 holer.

Tonight though,he truly excelled himself with a dynamic display of power poker that did the www.leaguenutz.com boys proud.Well done lad.we are all very proud of you!!!

As for myself,muffed out of the 11am with my 5k raise with QQ not enough to put off a Scandi with the monstrous AQ,and then blew a 10k stack in the 6 seater when my 99's and umpteen straight draws fell to a flush.Also fecked up in the Hi Lo when 4th with 19 left.I did however make a nice £120,with £100 on Hamilton to beat Lewis in the darts at 5/6 so ended the day nicely up.

take care,fellow muffers!!!


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