Wednesday, February 07, 2007

chip and a chair :)

Oh well.the sweet smell of napalm in the morning is fuck all compared to coming back when your out on your arse and winning a tournie.

Monday night i had played steady but was card dead and got to break with around 7k in chips.tried to make a few moves by trying to win a nice pot against a player with half my stack and ended yp fucking myself,taking me down to 2800 chips.Funny how sometimes being short makes you play the kind of ultra aggressive poker you always wish you could play and i got myself up to just under 6k.then had a double and got to around 12k before me and Rick clashed when we both had Fh's,his being better halfing me again.

I then had a slice of fortune and got up to around 11k again before the hand that changed everything in my favour.I flopped a set of K's but unknown to me,my opponent had flopped a FH with his pocket 1010 and a ten on the board.sadly for him and lovely for me,he proceeded to slow play them with a small raise of 1800 on the turn.i called this and low and behold hit another K giving me 4 of a kind.thinking he was ahead,he then called my all in,and i picked up a nice pot of around 23k if my memory serves me right.lucky break for me and end of the road for him.

i got to the FT witt about 36k in 5th place.I played probably my best game for a while and frankly dont recall losing a heads up with about 180k to about 70/80k and it was all over in about ten minutes,giving me 436$,a much needed boost for the bank roll.

Sadly as is the case at present,Laddies crashed again Tues so it was off to play on Paradise,a site i really enjoyed.Gonna visit again soon.


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