Thursday, February 01, 2007

January is now just a distant memory

Reet,aint updated for a while for one very important reason.I could not be arsed. :)
Well it's been an ok month pokerwise with 6 hi lo ft's inc 1 2nd but last 10 days or so i really have been getting some rough knockouts.There's this new player called Flush5 or summit and he really infuriates me by gambling with chit like qq66(in which he hit a 6) and qq55 (in which,yup you guessed it,he hit a 5).he plays recklessly and calls with utter shite and yet seems to make the ft's on a regular basis.I am finding his style of ultra aggressive and kamikaze like play very hard to play against and i have to admit he's unsettled me.He doesn't play traditional hands and must,i'm sure,have scandi blood in him.I did manage a 6th late last week but to be honest should have finished at least 3rd so i was kinda dissappointed.

The Betfair/Badbeat dream team game restarted 2 weeks ago.I gotta admit i hated week 1 and was frankly glad to be out.Last week i surprised myself by making 4th getting 2000 points for the team but i have no current confidence in my texas holdem play and will be surprised if i make top 60 this week but i shall give it a go.

Went to see Newcastle v Villa last night.Villa were frankly woeful in the first 20 mins or so but then,after going 2-0 down,came to life and were much the better side for most of the game and although they lost 3-1,were worthy of a point.Atmosphere was not as good as i expected,football is,in my opinion in danger of dissappearing up its own arse.


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