Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dream team or Bad dream????

Well what can i say really?

Not updated for a while as couldn't see the point of posting such dreadful results and terrible play and lack of luck.Not a single fucking final table since last entry,how crap is that ffs??

Anyhow,last weekend, i swanned off down to London for the badbeat finals.This was the weekly game many of the nutz hardcore have been playing for the last few months although it seems like fucking years lol.

Well suffice to say we had a blast.Met some great people,Vad,Kaz,Moff,Goth,Fry,Banqo,all fab people and not forgetting our very own Steve Irwin,Lex.He took his life into his own hands many times retrieving a plastic ball from a killer terrier,what a brave bloke he is.

The event itself was held in a sort of nightclub/youth club type thing and it had a free bar on,although i only discovered this after buying a round also had top quality model-like dealers and some of the finest live muffing you'll ever see.As i wasn't playing i spent most of the day getting shitfaced on Budweiser which i was only too happy to do.Sadly none of our team made any real dent on the tournament but i think its fair to say we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and i for one cant wait to do it again.

I am still knackered 3 days later as the 5am Nutz special held in our room didn't leave much time for sleep,made even worse by the Polish cleaner who felt 8.30am Sunday morning was an excellent time to clean our room.Fortunately Lex's head wedged against the door stopped her from gaining access,lmao.

final returned to some form last night finishing 2nd in the hi lo taking home just over 300$.Hopefully a sign of better results to come.

take care xx Langers


At 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to meet up with you Davy, and with the others. We need to do it all again sometime - hopefully I won't be jet-lagged and will hear the fecking phone next time - mind you - if the flatulence was thjat bad - maybe it was good I missed the rebuy. atb Banqo


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