Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh well done fella

Had a good start to this week.Only be playing the hi lo on laddies after it's frankly wank run of service and interuptions but came a good 6th on Monday,and then followed it up by getting 7th last night.I was almost down and out after getting a frankly shameful run of river muffings but managed two quick double ups before finally getting rivered to exit for 84$ and 15 nutz points.

As for laddies,new software is ok,but the site is in danger of dissappearing up it's own arse after hosting far too many 1$ muppfests and it's appalling run of disco's althought i did complain and got 20$ for my efforts which i managed to turn into 104$ hahahha.

Dunno where the nutz lads have disappeared two,only 8 in this month which is sad,hope things pick up in Jan.


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