Monday, October 09, 2006


I havent really been playing much to be truthful as i was away at an 80's weekend getting chitfaced therefore playing poker was the last thing on my mind.

Played the Nutz special on Pokerstars last night,finishing 2nd to Fry,and am currently playing a 10$ rebuy on Titan but frankly can't really be arsed as i'm just about Pokered out.

I see the turbo muffs have been at it again,making a mockery of the monthly league so i may well not bother from now on but haven't made a final decision as truthfully i only normally play 60-80 entry fields and have not a fucking chance of gaining enuff points to compete with a 400 field turbo top 3 finisher.

Anyhow,i am fecking knackered so will most likely have an early night.

laters zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........................................


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