Wednesday, February 28, 2007

worrying times with the Lodger!


Came home early tonight and went into sitting room.House was unusually quiet,no kids about,no tv on.

I heard a women's voice giggling upstairs and then a male voice and must admit i felt a slight tinge of panic.

As i began to climb the stairs,almost tiptoeing,i could hear my wife speaking!

"Wow,it's a lot bigger than Davids,and much heavier" said my wife with a slightly girly chuckle!

By this time my throat was dry.

"for fucks sake" i thought "she's messing about with the lodger"

Imagine my relief when i opened his room door to find out she was referring to his hair clippers that he'd just bought and was comparing them with my much cheaper babyliss ones.

he'd been shaving his head and had asked the wife to check the back as i also often do.Phew! :)

ps. I wish to make clear i'm referring to my lodger and not theee lodger who frequents the laddies form :)

You may well wonder what this has to do with Poker??? fuck all really but there's a reason for that.It's coz i got nowt to talk about after a 9th in the hi lo Friday,i have muffed out 21st,42nd and 20th last 3 days and can't even begin to drone on about bad beats and shite play.

take care xx


At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another top post Davy, v funny, LMAO!


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