Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dont play when drunk or tired :)

It's a piece of advice that is regularly dished and to be honest it's sound advice that should not ignored.I,however,did ignore it last night and consequently played like an arse,fishing with shit hi lo hands and making raises when i shouldn't even have been calling.Consequently i blew 40$ on rebuy's and then rapped in before the break in the hi lo,something i never ever do.Fact is,my heart just wasn't in it.I was Pokered out,bored,uninterested,call it what you will but i should not even have been playing and it showed.

I was more interested in what was going on in the poker forums,where some interesting discussions were being held.My tip is when this is the case,log off from your poker acct(thats if you can log in to begin with Laddies ffs lmao) and give poker a miss.It will still be there the next day and you'll save yourself your hard earned cash,unless of course your a refugee, in which case you get your buy-ins for nowt off the government. :)

Bought a copy of the WPT magazine yesterday and downloaded the new site software to try.It has 3d graphics and looks fun althought is more for those like gimmicks as opposed to people concerned only with solid poker.I will post on here what it's like after i have tried it out.

played for an hour or so on and found it to be a pile of hi lo tournies and very few redeeming features and certainly not a patch on Laddies,stars,paradise etc so it quickly got deleted.


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