Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bubble Bubble toil and trouble!!!

Fucking hell,i hate the bubble.

Yesterday,i played the 23.15 Omagha,and was reet down to fk all(3k) and somehow thru a few good hands managed to get up to 6th with 11 left (top ten paid).

Then low and behold,flops Ak Two pair with an 8 on the board,and only goes and walks into 888 and it's bye bye fat geordie bastard on the bubble.This was the 2nd time this week in the 23.15 i bubbled,and to make matters worse,the night b4,i bubbled in the 9.15 hi lo after 2 and a half hours.

i also fucking hate when u get "gg ul Langers" by the other ten and really they are giving it "get in there ya stupid fat geordie twat,you blew ya stack,yippee,you stupid,stupid little man!!!!"

The Hi lo is for me the best tournie on the net,really interesting game with some of laddies best players always in the mix,so i am pretty pleased with my form in this game as i am a total novice at it.I have so far won it once,and 3 ft's aswell as a bubble and a 13th so for me this tournie is really good value.

Had a little tot last night and find i made somewhere in the region of £450 in July off laddies in mainly mtt's so a pretty good month for me.For the first time i feel getting into the top 250 each week is achievable but i really need to make more high posititions i.e. top 3 as opposed to limping to the table with no chips and busting out 8th and 9th so i am now trying to adapt my game to be more aggressive late on with some good advice i got off Madv. It was something along the lines of 1 first is better than a shitload of 10th's or words to that effect and he is course totally correct so i suppose a few bubbles is part of the process in trying to get the chips necessary to win the fucking thing.

Late last night i managed a creditable 17th in the quick blinds out of 405 runners so pretty pleased with that as turbo type things aint really my cup of tea.

Need some Nutz points today though as faltering as of late,so gonna try to pick up summit in the muppfest rebuys early doors.

oh and Happy Birthday to me,38 today and don't look a day over 37,hehe!!!


At 4:39 AM, Blogger Langers said...

ty,aye i can't spell very well.cheers fella.


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