Tuesday, September 26, 2006

London's Calling

After a small amount of Hoo Haa I have decided to pack the Langers travel kit(4 cans of Budweiser 500ml,a tooth pick,a copy of razzle,and some armpit spray) and head off down to London to visit the Queen.Well enough of meeting up with Vad.I am actually going down to support the Dream team guys as we attempt to find 6 Goa's.No thats not right is it?? Should say win 6 seats to Goa for some muffy Asian poker fest.Apparently worth 8k,but worth sweet fk all if your KK meets J7 and gets busted first hand.

Anyway,i'm looking forward to it,although a little scared as i heard a rumour that in some of the more affluent parts of London it's over a £1 a pint ffs and not all of the bars allow you in with whippets.

Anyhow,tournament wise i have had a good week,a 3rd in the hi lo,an 8th in the hi lo,a 2nd in the omaha and a couple more ft's.Not much $$$'s(maybe won 200 or so)but still some good form of late.

I have decided to buy in to tonight's Hi Lo Leo cop game at 200$ plus 20$ and frankly don't really know how to play it.Probably be tight early on and assess the table but i am hoping that at this level or entry fee there won't be so many muffs about and we'll get a proper game of Poker.I shall however still rant like fk if some little Scandi Muff nicks all my chips with A669.

That's all for now folks,good luck at the tables.


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