Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Not updated for a while as i was too busy preparing my own suicide after a rotten run.Glad to say things looking up now after a much better few days.Finally made an Ft on Saturday,making 5th in the 11am.Then had another decent result Sunday in the hi lo,again finishing 9th,just one place outside the Nutz points system(grrrrr).

Best day by far since i started playing poker was yesterday,not financially but pokerwise.

Came 4th in the 11am and at the same time got a very creditable 6th out of 607 in the freeroll,and finished the day with a 3rd in the hi lo pocketing 200 dollars and some much needed nutz points.So 3 Ft's out of 4 entries was very pleasing and a huge boost to my confidence.

Big shout to Rob1973 who is frankly on fire at the moment and cruising the monthly.Rob has been playing out of his skin recently and would of won last month i'm sure,if he wasn't arsing about with Sushi in Singapore.I am currently on day 3 of a diet he sent me,and this morning shat thru the eye of needle for about 15 minutes.He had warned me about the change in bowel movements but this came as quite a surprise to myself and my underwear,when what originally began as a small trouser cought,almost resulted in a complete change of clothing.cheers fella,just weighed in at 14st 2 but surely must have lost a couple of pounds in just one emptying session!!!

Pokerwise,still mainly playing Absolute and Getminted.Customer service from both is excellent and monthly bonus's from both also a nice touch.

Thats all for now folks,gl at the tables!!!


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