Friday, March 09, 2007

Don't even ask! *tuts*

Played in the forum superstars game on Tues and Wed.Excellent format and 2 good gamees.I managed to get a decent chip lead in the first game but crashed and burned in 4th.Then on the Wednesday i never really got going,eventually losing with AJ v Aq and exiting in 6th.good game,most of the lads good players and decent blokes.The odd wanker but thats the same in any walk of life.

Missed the dream team game this week as my c/card had expired.By the time i got the fuckers to change it i'd missed the entry period of 8pm.No idea why they dont have late buy in like Full tilt and Stars.To be honest it's a shite format and if it wasn't for my mates being in it,i wouldn't bother at all.

I last night played the hi lo making my 3rd ft of the week.I wont even bother telling you where i finished.You know already.


I actually flopped trips when all in 3 way but as is the case on laddies, it runner runnered a bigger stack who was an utter muff,and gave him a straight.Losing i can take,losing to a muff i fucking detest!

The day before i hit Ace high flush on turn and got re-raised.Obviously i re-raised him all in and obviously he showed trip J's and obviously he hit a 5 to pair the board and get his Fh.WHAT A FUCKING WANK CALL but hey thats poker,i'm not bitter!!!! :)

so profit for the week an amazing 37 dollars so far,lovely,i feel an early retirement coming on.Fuck it,i'm tilting the lot tonight!!!! :)


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