Saturday, July 29, 2006

ffs,talk about overvalueing ya hand!!!

11am today i saw a kid,who's name sadly escapes me,blow 2 and a half hours of graft in a frankly ridiculous piece of play.Board was j89,and this kid,sitting with 33k and in 2nd place,decides his J5 warrants a 13k raise after the flop.Sadly for him,Shaunace,with a similarly big stack has q10,and puts him all in.Even then,for some reason known only to himself,the muff calls the relevant 20k he has left and muffs out on the bubble,which is of course my job.

Wish i knew his name,if only i knew how to work the various history thingymajigs laddies have in place but i'm fecked as i dont.Never mind.

Anyway,i busted on in 9th when my QQ met AA(n1 laddies,it's no longer amusing) but did at least get a few nutz points after my kak day yesterday.

More importantly, i forgot to mention the World Nutz Heads up match yesterday v Fryern,the nutz number 1 bluffer and king of the sarcy comment.I had lost 2-0 previously the week before but had been on medication.This time,there was no contest as i bludgeoned him to death in the 1st game and then finally killed him off when his 66 tragically ran into my AA and i broke the previous calling record,managing to press my call button in 0.00000002 of a second.On a serious note,it was a good game,Fry's a tricky customer as he does a lot of bluffing,raising with poo and is pretty hard to read,so i enjoyed the contest.

Reet,off to open my birthday cards,see ya soon!!!


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