Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A week is a long time in politics....

and is a fucking lifetime in poker.I say this coz i went from thinking i was the next Phil Ivey(admittedly a pale fat geordie version) to playing like i was the new Danny La rue,and couldn't last more than ten minutes in a tourney without fking it up.

I did finally see a chink of light on Friday when i managed to scrape a 14th in a freezout,and this slight change of fortune helped me to win the 11am on Saturday,my first win for quite some time,scoring 48 nutz points and lifting me up to 5th.

Yesterday i made 2 ft's,a 9th in the 11am when my AA got called by JJ and a J hit,and then again last night,i made 9th in the hi lo,only to be well and truly muffed by someone who didn't seem to understand the rules but went on to win the thing,typical of the sort of thing that can happen in hi lo.

On a personal note,i would like to comment on the ladbrokes forum.Sadly it is currently a runaway train,where people can say anything they like and then fk off,leaving a trail of destruction behind them.This forum needs to be moderated,and certain posts removed as some of the comments made are libellous to say the least.I do hope Ladbrokes address this soon.


At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol,didn't know Goth had won.hehe.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Langers said...

aye,twas a good line,must admit.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OI...I do have feelings you know

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OI...I do have feelings you know

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Langers said...

you have feelings twice?? mmmm,so twice the upset.


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