Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Who shot JFK???

I tend not to listen too much to conspiacy theorists,as they can in fact convince you of almost anything.There are currently lots of bollox post's on Laddies re-launched(but frankly crap) forum that reckon Laddies deal you rubbish cards when you withdraw.What a load of twaddle!!!

....However,i withdrew two weeks worth of winning's on Friday,after winning the hi lo for the second time in 3 days,and since then up until last night i hadn't won a bean.Coinicidence i'm sure!

Anyhow,moving on from my last rubbish blog,I did win the Hi Lo pocketing 600 plus dollars,but alas still trailed Lexus by 50 odd points,finishing a clear 2nd.A pleasing result as i don't tend to play the high entry turbo's and crap shoots,so i'm happy.

After that,Saturday and Sunday,i was pretty rubbish,and can't even blame bad beats,just rubbish raises,rubbish calls,and some frankly arsehole bluffs that failed to convince a 2 year old that i had anything other than Q3.

Monday,i got back on track,getting 10th in the 11am and then an excellent 3rd in the hi lo,picking up 300 plus $,which has built up my bankroll again nicely.

I desperately need a good Nutz tourney,as i totally forgot to enter the hi lo for Nutz,so tonight may attempt to muff a turbo.

Well Done SpursAlan on his Rocco win in what turned out to be a very stiff contest :) Its on its way fella!!! Happy tugging!!!


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