Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Thats better ya fat geordie twat!!!

Well after a frankly poo week or so,things have gone swimmingly this week.Saturday i made 5th in the pot limit,picking up 44 nutz points my first for a week.What was particularly pleasing was that i was down to 3000 chips when i reached the Ft,and managed to blag and steal my way into a decent position,only to eventually get muffed by a weaker hand when my QQ lost to A9.

Then on Sunday,i had another very decent result in the high stack,making 7th,the first time i have made the Ft in this particulary tournament which appears to be one where people at least attempt to play decent poker.

Yesterday,i played arguably my best poker for many moons,making 11th in the 10.30(no mean feat with the amount of muffs involved) and then reached heads up in my fave tournie the Hi Li,with a very good player called stbernard who i have played against a number of times.Initially i was down 2-1 chips but i clawed back into a small lead.I asked him if he wanted to split,he agreed and we both pocketed 515 dollars each,a very agreeable sum IMHO.There were 80 entrants last night,far more scandi's than usual and i fully believe this could grow into an excellent tournament,if laddies would just up the gteed amount to say 500$,to encourage 100 plus players.

Anyway,haven't played at all today,but fking need to after shelling out £200 on school clothes for the kids.I am now clear in 2nd in the Nutz Monthly but will need something special to catch Lexus,who has to be fair,been playing some excellent stuff recently.I think it's a bridge too far,but i haven't given up hope yet,but will probably have to enter turbo's which are not really my cup of tea.

Anyhow,thanks for stopping bye and gl at the tables.


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