Saturday, August 19, 2006

No point hiding the fact...

Some times you have to just hold up your hands and say "i fucked up".Suffice to say the last few days have on the whole been utter rubbish.Had a 9th in the 11am,but only points for top 8,and a 10th in the hi lo,but other than that i have frankly played appallingly.I wont try to gloss over this by saying i got badbeat.I did lose to KK twice and get my 8k all in called by someone with K355(whot hit a 5 ffs,the tool) but on the whole i have mainly lost when behind and have no excuses other than my good recent form has rather fallen apart since reading 2 cheap poker books.
Not entirely sure why,but all the prose on playing pocket pairs,pot odds,defending blinds etc has rather confused me and frankly i wish i hadn't bothered and had just continued to learn from the experience of tournament play.

I hope to get back to basics today of playing tight,then aggressive with premium hands with the odd raise/call with suited connectors throw in,in the hope i can get a good result to lift my confidence which has rather taken a dent last 48 hours or so.

Can't go without mentioning another splendid effort from Jat and Kaz in the Dream team,finishing 3rd and 12th respectively,putting us in a rather strong position.Well done poker m8's.:)

and if you have stumbled upon this by accident,please check out ,the internet's best poker league and best bunch of poker people around.


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