Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rubbish at poker(good night from me and it's good night from him)

Here is my A team episode synopsis i was asked to submit,hope you like.

My A-Team Episode Synopsis by Flanders

The Poker Player's Banana by Flanders

On tonight's A-Team, Jat McBrunson has an old friend who's a Poker Player. But his friend has a big problem. A rival Poker Player is trying to drive the friend out of business. The rival has already rag dolled his friend's Moffman, and tried to steal a Banana.
The rest of the team arrives to help. LennyDawn offsuit, is tremendously attracted to the pretty girl who works with the Poker Player, but she prefers Poker Kaz. To further complicate matters the team is being chased by a Poker Manager.
The A-Team has a fight with the men of the rival Poker Player. Poker Kaz says, ''I'll blow u for a fiver!!!''. Jat McBrunson throws two guys through a window. LennyDawn offsuit gets a black eye and Poker Kaz doesn't even break a sweat.

But the A-Team is captured when the rival's boss, Vad the Slayer, shows up with twelve guys carrying uzis. The A-Team is locked in a card room. LennyDawn offsuit says, ''Oh fk,i've been caught in the cookie jar!!!!''. Hannibal comes up with a plan. They build an armored Skateboard out of a Poker chip and odds 'n ends.
The A-Team escapes and goes into Vad the Slayer's territory, guns a-blazing. ''All I wanted was Poker world domination, and that Banana was the key.'' complains Vad the Slayer, as the A-Team leaves him tied up for Poker Manager to ban his chat.

''Sitck that in ya pipe twat!!!'' says Jat McBrunson.

The End


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