Friday, January 05, 2007

death of nutz

Ain't updated for a while for two reasons.One,i simply couldn't be arsed and 2,i lost my blog address with the death of nutz.

Although we haven't had it confirmed,as nobody has bothered to officially inform us,it does appear that leaguenutz is no more.This is sad not only because of the hard work put in by members to make it a success,but also for those awaiting prize monies which now seem unlikely to be paid.we can only live in hope that something is sorted soon.

December was and has been a very good month for me hi-lo wise.I made 9 ft's winning it twice and made a very nice profit of around £700 if you include a couple of cash games on laddies.

Jan i have only just started playing ago but i manged to win the hi lo last night lifting 488$ after almost 5 hours of play.good standard throughout last night,particularly from tony1967,eagleman(who battled back from virtually no chips to play me headsup) and whiteball(i think thats his name) who all played some excellent creative poker.

so all in all a very good december and a cracking start to 2007.