Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Consistency is the key :)

Well after my superstars win i have been solidly grinding in the hi lo.Had a run of 5 ft's on the belt.A 9th then 2 10th's,barely covering my buy in's followed by winning it on Tuesday picking up 520$(first win for 3 weeks) then followed that up on Wednesday with a solid 4th with only 5 being paid.Then Thursday i made 21st in the dream team game and was muffed into 11th in the hi lo,breaking my good run.Last night i played solidly for 2 hours but busted out in 16th when the blinds startd to hurt and i lost a couple of key pots.Overall though i'm pleased with my current form.

I also had a very successful appearance in the 50k pp game,finishing 34th picking up 439$ and have played 3 of the superstars qtr's,with a 5th 4th and last night a 2nd leaving me still in with a decent chance of making the semi's.


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