Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Silly Sod!!

Well been a pretty poor month thus far.I played the in the 2nd Supersatrs game and failed to qualify,missing out by 2 points.

Hi lo has been pretty hit and miss A good few top ten's but far too many 8th and 9th's barely covering my buy in's.I did manage a 3rd last Thursday but generally playing poorly.Last few nights i have got into decent positions and then made some really piss poor calls.I went out on Monday when my 77 flopped a 7 but i ran into KKK.I suspected his 6k all in was due to him having a better FH but i made a very very poor call and deservedly bit the dust.
Last night was even worse,going out when with 11k by chasing a straight and flush draw.Admittedly i had numberous outs but at end of the day i was risking my whole stack playing bingo and got what i deserved.I feel i have hit a bit of a low point in my omaha hi lo play feeling i have become rather too predictable,tending to raise with eitther AA or A2 so it will be interesting to see if i can adapt my game accordingly to what has become a rather muffy hi lo game on Ladbrokes.

My hold em has been competent if unspectacular but i have managed a few ft's without really hitting the big $$$.


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