Thursday, March 29, 2007


LoL,well not quite but i am the Ladbrokes Forum Superstar after winning the final on Tuesday.In a very tough final i managed to see my 1010 hold up against kq in the heads up with monty5 to lift the title and 500$,a laddies chipset and a tent sized laddies t shirt.Game,as with all the other games played,was very tough,very fair and of a frightening standard.I started off very slowly,folding most hands and wona couple of small pots first hour,to be at around 5k.Once we were down to 5 players and the blinds started to go up it began to get pretty fierce,but i managed to avoid any major scares.I think the fact i had been so tight gave me respect when i raised and thisa allowed me a few pot steals.The guy to my right,crawfski was a very impressive,ultra agressive player and he was the one i found most hard to deal with.Other side i had Banksoir,another excellent player who managed to bluff me off winning pots a couple of times.Eventually we got down to 4 left,and then an amazing thing happened.I was low with 2600 left,blinds 400/800.I had 800 in the the pot and felt the odds maent when heads up with bank that i call and take a pop.Fortunately i got to the luck/muffiness needed,q hit the flop and the hand held and i doubled.more or less next hand there was a 3 way all in,i folded,and bank and mitch went out leaving myself and monty5 heads up with him 18k to my 6k ish.I then flopped trip 222 and doubled thru and managed to find the right cards at the right time.
To say i was thrilled to win would be an understatement.matches were of a standard i had not played at before,some excellent knowledgeable players and also thoroughly decent blokes.Looking very much forward to the next one,although 64 entrants will make it almost impossible for me to retain it.It will also be interesting to see whether the standard of play is as good.
Hi lo wise 2 x 6th places Monday and Wednesday,marred only by some fucking abysmal play by chip leaders.Last night someone called pat the dog with 100k called my a2kq 12k raise with 8889,i kid you not.flop came low 99 and he held.a truly awful play that is difficult to comprehend,something all too frequent on that tournament at the moment.


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