Thursday, March 29, 2007


LoL,well not quite but i am the Ladbrokes Forum Superstar after winning the final on Tuesday.In a very tough final i managed to see my 1010 hold up against kq in the heads up with monty5 to lift the title and 500$,a laddies chipset and a tent sized laddies t shirt.Game,as with all the other games played,was very tough,very fair and of a frightening standard.I started off very slowly,folding most hands and wona couple of small pots first hour,to be at around 5k.Once we were down to 5 players and the blinds started to go up it began to get pretty fierce,but i managed to avoid any major scares.I think the fact i had been so tight gave me respect when i raised and thisa allowed me a few pot steals.The guy to my right,crawfski was a very impressive,ultra agressive player and he was the one i found most hard to deal with.Other side i had Banksoir,another excellent player who managed to bluff me off winning pots a couple of times.Eventually we got down to 4 left,and then an amazing thing happened.I was low with 2600 left,blinds 400/800.I had 800 in the the pot and felt the odds maent when heads up with bank that i call and take a pop.Fortunately i got to the luck/muffiness needed,q hit the flop and the hand held and i doubled.more or less next hand there was a 3 way all in,i folded,and bank and mitch went out leaving myself and monty5 heads up with him 18k to my 6k ish.I then flopped trip 222 and doubled thru and managed to find the right cards at the right time.
To say i was thrilled to win would be an understatement.matches were of a standard i had not played at before,some excellent knowledgeable players and also thoroughly decent blokes.Looking very much forward to the next one,although 64 entrants will make it almost impossible for me to retain it.It will also be interesting to see whether the standard of play is as good.
Hi lo wise 2 x 6th places Monday and Wednesday,marred only by some fucking abysmal play by chip leaders.Last night someone called pat the dog with 100k called my a2kq 12k raise with 8889,i kid you not.flop came low 99 and he held.a truly awful play that is difficult to comprehend,something all too frequent on that tournament at the moment.

Friday, March 23, 2007

more sad tales of so near yet so far :)

Superstar semi's were an excellent experience.I was in the game on Tuesday and in what i considered to be a extremely tough semi i was able to finish in 1st place gaining 10 points.This prety much guaranteed a final place but i again played solidly on Wednesday finishing 5th when my KA ran into Crawfski's 77 and another 7 appeared.He has been one of the player's who has impressed me.Very aggressive and particularly hard to read.
I am looking forward to the final in what has been an excellent experience,although with Holdem not really my game,i have no expectations for the game on Tuesday,but overall i definitely feel that playing against this calibre of oppositition has improved my game as i managed a very creditable 20th in the dream team game on Thursday.

Hi lo this week has been tough early on,with no ft's Sunday to Tuesday,but managed a reasonable 6th on Wed pciking up 88$ and last night went out 8th after getting to the ft pretty shortstacked.I allowed myself to be wound up by the chippie(an unpleasant lady who had i'm afraid no class at all) and perhaps could have clung on a bit better but overall i played aswell as the cards allowed me.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Working on the chain gang

for fucks sake,this week has been a slog!!! Started off last Sunday by reaching the hi lo FT only to go out in 9th.Then Monday,i again spend 3 and half hours trading blows to make the FT and this time it's an even worse 10th picking 22$ after spending 40$ on rebuys lmfao.Tuesday it's 13th and Wednesday its 29th.

Thursday i enter the dream team game and play solidly for an hour getting to 4k.Then Lynchem decideds to re-raise my suited KA with his Kj suited.I then rr him all in,he obviously thinks he's ahead(yeh i know,the idiot) and calls and he of course flops a flush and i'm out.well played fella.

I then reach 2 FT'S in my best spell for a while.Pokerstars 20$ hi lo,i make 8th collecting 96$ and the Laddies hi lo i manage 3rd,picking up 198$.Same night Madv wins the Dream Team game aswell giving Crushed Nutz the lead overall,so a cracking night.

Friday i play some cash on Stars and turn my 96$ in 280$,but go out 20th in hi lo laddies game.Didn't play Saturday as i felt i needed a break frankly.

So it was a tough week,but i finished around 350$ up overall after buy- ins,but i certainly wouldn't wanna do this for a living.I must have played around 30 hours and that works out at 3.50$ per hour.FFS you can earn more per hour making Man United strips in Thailand,plus you got the added benefit of being able to hire a lady boy for less than a copy of the daily sport :)

This week i have the Superstars forum challenge semi's.Managed to get in finishing 11th over the 4 games,my 3rd and 2nd in the last two games helping me achieve that.Standard of the 4 games has been excellent but i have no real expectations from the semi' never know tho :)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Don't even ask! *tuts*

Played in the forum superstars game on Tues and Wed.Excellent format and 2 good gamees.I managed to get a decent chip lead in the first game but crashed and burned in 4th.Then on the Wednesday i never really got going,eventually losing with AJ v Aq and exiting in 6th.good game,most of the lads good players and decent blokes.The odd wanker but thats the same in any walk of life.

Missed the dream team game this week as my c/card had expired.By the time i got the fuckers to change it i'd missed the entry period of 8pm.No idea why they dont have late buy in like Full tilt and Stars.To be honest it's a shite format and if it wasn't for my mates being in it,i wouldn't bother at all.

I last night played the hi lo making my 3rd ft of the week.I wont even bother telling you where i finished.You know already.


I actually flopped trips when all in 3 way but as is the case on laddies, it runner runnered a bigger stack who was an utter muff,and gave him a straight.Losing i can take,losing to a muff i fucking detest!

The day before i hit Ace high flush on turn and got re-raised.Obviously i re-raised him all in and obviously he showed trip J's and obviously he hit a 5 to pair the board and get his Fh.WHAT A FUCKING WANK CALL but hey thats poker,i'm not bitter!!!! :)

so profit for the week an amazing 37 dollars so far,lovely,i feel an early retirement coming on.Fuck it,i'm tilting the lot tonight!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Nehnehnehnehnehnehnehneh Nineteen!!!!! well 9th ffs!!

OK.I wont beat about the bush.What an absolutely wank week of poker and life in general!!!

I went all fucking week getting muffed up,getting outdrawn,making bad plays and generally having about as much luck as SpursAl has in the fanny chasing stakes!

Not a single fucking Ft for a week,with a 12th,a 19th and other general horror stories.Finally made an Ft on Sunday,crawling,and i mean fucking crawling,into 9th(my current fave finish) and then backed that up yesterday by limping (and i fucking mean limping) into the Ft with a measly 13k and crashing out in...............go on guess...............ok i'll give you a few more seconds to think it over.................

ready yet???????????.

................................... spot on fella,fucking 9th ffs!!!

So my profit from last 2 days inc around 8 hours of hi lo was a quite spectacularly miserable 21 dollars after taking into account rebuys. *tuts*

I did see Vad come a good second on Saturday(well done fella) although he has requested a slagging so i will oblige by saying he has otherwise crashed and burned early doors :) and Lexus has made a few ft's aswell so well done to the much improved Southern twat who has learned quickly from his elite masters :)

Footballwise,my team are looking well and truly fecked!! We had a vital game v Sheff Wed on Saturday and were losing 3-0 at half time ffs.Our defence is utter shite and our attack is as toothless as SpursAl.

doomed!!! anyway,i'm playing the forumsuperstars event tonight at 8pm with 39 other forum muffers.As i'm utterly shite at holdem it'll be interesting to see how i do against some pretty successful players.updates here soon!

take care