Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Bubble is dead long live the Mupp slayer!!!

Well i feel a lot better thanks people.After a frankly poo weekend pokerwise,i managed a couple of ft's yesterday getting 8th and 8th respectively then finally broke my tournie win drought by winning the 11am muppfest today,pocketing 200 dollars.

Strangely enuff,it was all fairly straight forward first hour,as i made a couple of double ups and reached the break with about 9k,rebuying only once.I then found myself getting decent hands at the right time and actually won a nice 10k pot with KK when it held v QQ.

Hit a bit of lean spell for a bit and was actually 9th as we kicked off the Ft,but i decided this time i was going all guns blazing and not waiting around for a hand,and i stole a load of blinds,and fought my way to 4th with 6th left.I then found KK and QQ at the right times(they fucking held for gods sake) and ended up heads up with 240k v 60k.Five or 6 hands later and my constant all ins were rewarded when my A2 got called by Kj,and the 2 on the turn was enough for me to take home first prize,which i was well chuffed with.

Nice to get a bit of support from Rick,who popped on to wish me well,Cheers fella,much appreciated.

I am on day 2 of my diet(fucking red and green days) and i am bastard clamming and could eat a scabby horse so i am off for a bit of tea,and then i have the hi/lo daily final after playing last night and coming 9th from over 3000.I love this game and am gonna try to play more hi/lo tournies as it's a lot of fun and never boring(though can be a river nightmare)

anyhow,ta ra for a bit.

oh and here's a piccie for Fry,who like me is a huge fan of Turn on Tv's babe and for Jat who complained there wasn't enough fanny in my blog....


At 12:01 PM, Blogger Langers said...

ty fella,on both counts.You have been on fire recently and kinda inspired me.wd mate.

i have some pritt stick footage but it ain't for family viewing.talk about glueing down flaps ffs.....


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