Monday, December 11, 2006

Nice week

Well gotta say i have been very much limiting myself this last week or so,playing maybe 1 or 2 tournies a day.

a: coz i think laddies is rubbish at the mo and b: i am busy at work,very hectic.

I have been having some good results tho,so am thinking perhaps fully focussing on one game is the way forward.The hi lo has been tough going with an 11th place bubble and some shocking muff calls by idiots who don't understand the game but i have counteracted that with some good scores in hold em events.I played the 25$ on Thursday,and finished a very creditable 6th taking home 250$.Then on Saturday i entered the 4.30pm high stack and exited 4 hours later in 5th winning 59 nutz points.Then last night,i unusually entered the 30$ 6 seater and managed 5th,winning 195$ so all in all a pretty good couple of days.This week i'm gonna play the hi lo and then a few selected events but have decided to avoid the 1$ muppfests which frankly are a waste of space.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh well done fella

Had a good start to this week.Only be playing the hi lo on laddies after it's frankly wank run of service and interuptions but came a good 6th on Monday,and then followed it up by getting 7th last night.I was almost down and out after getting a frankly shameful run of river muffings but managed two quick double ups before finally getting rivered to exit for 84$ and 15 nutz points.

As for laddies,new software is ok,but the site is in danger of dissappearing up it's own arse after hosting far too many 1$ muppfests and it's appalling run of disco's althought i did complain and got 20$ for my efforts which i managed to turn into 104$ hahahha.

Dunno where the nutz lads have disappeared two,only 8 in this month which is sad,hope things pick up in Jan.