Monday, August 14, 2006

Not bad at all,even i say so myself...

Hello Muffers everywhere!!

Poker-wise pretty good day Saturday.Finished 19th in the 2pm,despite the fact i had to leave at 4pm,i managed to sneak into Nutz points position before chucking in my stack with A10 which surprisingly lost to the normally fatal JJ.How come i never win with the feckers??

Then i played the Daily Leo cop 6 seater final which i had qualified for earlier in the day.I had one small slice of luck early on when my KA muffed AA(hehe) by hitting a straight,but other than that pretty much cruised into Septembers 100k final and actually ended up winning the thing,so well chuffed witht that.
I also continued my good hi lo form by making 7th although even that was slightly dissappointed as i got muffed by TheMoose who called my all in with absolutely nothing and hit a flush.When i asked him why,he stated "coz i could afford to gamble" which was of course utter bollocks as i would have halfed his stack and left him crippled,but hey,i can live with a bad beat as i am learning that muffers get lucky short term,but not long term.

Oh fuck,my diet slightly went on the backburner as the lure of copious tins of 500ml Budweiser was just too much to bear,so i shall have to behave big time next few days if i'm to lose any more off my big fat arse.



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