Saturday, August 12, 2006

Vad the impaler!!!!

The true story of Vlad the Impaler, better known as Dracula,is one of terror and cruelty. In order to appease the Turkish Sultan, Vlad and his brother Radu were sent to Anatolia as hostages. This is, as any psychologist could tell you, is where Vlad’s story begins to shape him into the fearsome Vlad the Impaler. After Vlad Drakul was buried alive by the Turks, the younger Vlad became ruler of Wallachia in the year 1456. It is during this time that Vlad’s cruel “justice” earned him fear and infamy across Europe (due to the increasing usage of the printing press throughout the Continent). To Romanians, the story of Vlad the Impaler is one of patriotism, but to others who discover the truth behind the mystery, Vlad was a truly gruesome individual. Impaling enemies on stakes was a favorite pastime of Vlad’s—Vlad was the ultimate practitioner of “tough love.”

Our very own League Nutz Vlad,Vad,Madv or whatever the fuck his name is,is an equally fearsome character.Constantly in ya face re-raising ya raises,constantly thieving ya big blinds with his 56 chit,and constantly check raising u every time you try to nick a chip back,he really is a fucking pain in the arse to play against.Fortunately,sponsoring the bloke makes putting up with this shit worthwhile,especially when he brings home the bacon i.e. last night in the 50 dollar.A superb example of aggression and timing left all who backed him a healthly few quid up,and was a welcome return for the syndi gang after a couple of days getting sweet fk all.

Also a big shout to Jat who finished a very creditable 6th and ended this crappy bollocks of us lot not being good enough to mix it with the 50 and 100 dollar tournies.Fab effort fella even though ya didnt wanna play coz you needed to be up early.The fact he was still arsing about on the forum at 3am makes me think the adrenalin was still pumping long into the night and i wouldn't fancy chipping out of one of his bunkers today,as i very much doubt itll have been raked as good as usual,hehe.

As for me,another pretty good day.Finished 3rd in the 12 oclock picking up 50 odd points,reducing rob's lead a little more,and also went close in the hi lo finishing a very creditable 12th fom 89 runners,just busting out when my AA failed to hit on the flop.I could have just sat out,played tight and limped onto the ft,but as vad says,one win is as good as 10 9th's so i can live with that exit as i would have been about 4th if i had doubled up.

all in all a very profitable day.thanks for reading.

good luck at the tables


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