Friday, August 11, 2006

Bye darling,I'll miss ya!!!

*counts the hours til Sunday lunch time*

Mrs L,her of the infamous Mr and Mrs L double act aka my wife,is off to utilise a caravan we have access to in Seahouses,in Northumberland.She is of course taking my 3 kids and is gone from Sunday lunchtime til Wednesday night therefore expect to see Flanders aka big fat geordie twat pokering to his hearts content from early morning til well into the deed of night.Smashing!!!

I will miss her of course but frankly can't wait to have a crack at some of the tournies i can't normally play such as the 7.30pm 25 dollar as i really feel in good form at the mo and feel a good win is not too far round the corner.

After my 2 Ft's yesterday,i had another good effort today,taking 3rd place in the 12 noon freezout with a field of 103.I then entered the turbo muppfest which im quite rubbish at normally and managed a respectable 23rd out of 220,just missing out on money.

I have clawed some more points back on Rob today but am still a good 100 or so behind and know fine well that someone from the following bunch is gonna muff a 2nd or 3rd in a turbo and over take me.

Tonight i'm gonna play the hi lo again,having made 8 final tables now in this tournie in less than a month.It has become my very favourite tournie on laddies but i do wish they would up the gteed monies on it to say 500$ and am currently scanning other sites for more profitable hi lo tournies.I know Prima network do a 15 dollar entry but not sure what time its on.

I have been on a diet for the last 10 days or so after reaching somewhat gargantuing proportions i.e. 14 stone 4 for a 5ft 8 and a half bloke(never forget the half inch bit)and lost 4llbs in week one,and hope to get down to at least 13 stone by the end of September.Amazingly enough,the lack of Beer intake has quite dramatically improved my poker results,so that old adage "dont play pissed" is of course completely true.

Can't go without congratulating Kaz on her vip tournie 2nd place last night and good luck to the syndi lads over the next few nights as we try desperately to arrest our generally piss poor efforts thus far (goth's game excluded).

today's babe is for no particular reason,i just thought she would brighten up the blog.take care.


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