Thursday, August 10, 2006

woo hoo!!

Not going into too much details today as frankly im shagged.Suffice to say that today has been a very very good poker day for me after two indifferent days.

This morning i managed to come 3rd in the 12 noon out of 95,and should have won after flopping two pair only to get muffed on the turn when the opponent hit an ace after calling my all in with top pair.

I then tonight,against all the odds after being down to 3k with 13 left,managed to finish 3rd in the hi lo picking up 229 dollars.Again i lost with the best hand after the flop.I flopped a straight and also had a flush draw but got called by the chippie who had only a draw but did of course hit his higher straight.

All in all a very good day,and once again a big thank you to my poker buddie Kaz who supported me on the rails in her own inimitable fashion.cheers lass.

Now i have consolidated second place in but still some way behind rob1973 who is in fine form and looks from what i have seen of him to be a very fine player.

reet bed calls,gl at the tables.


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