Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hi Lo,Hi lo,it's off to work we go.....

Managed to muff my way to 2nd in the hi lo picking up 386 dollars and some well needed Nutz points so feeling pretty good.Should really have won the tournie as i had a good chip lead heads up,but 1 bad play and then a couple of bad beats meant i had to settle for second.Loving this tournie,due the the huge array of varying hands and it's general complexity,and am finding i have a real knack for it,so hope to qualify for the leocop if i can and have a crack at the big boys.

Holdem wise,struggling a wee bit,as my current run of KK losing everytime continues.I would be interested to know what the odds of KK losing 16 times out of 21 are,as i feel it's particularly high.Only twice was i behind to AA,other times always ahead.

Good results from the nutz crew in recent days,particularly Goth who played a blinder in the 50 dollar syndi we had,and then finished 6th late last night in the hi lo,where i went out in 21st.Good solid player is Goth,very impressed with him of late.

Trying to decide about Walton tournie.Dont fancy shelling out £200 entry fee to be honest as i'm sure to bomb out early doors but would like to qualify via a special so hopefully www.leaguenutz.com will sort one out soon.

Weather is fab oop North today,hot and sunny after a bit of a rainy spell so might stop in all day and play poker as you do.(snigger)

oh would you look at that on channel 915??? must dash......


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