Wednesday, February 28, 2007

worrying times with the Lodger!


Came home early tonight and went into sitting room.House was unusually quiet,no kids about,no tv on.

I heard a women's voice giggling upstairs and then a male voice and must admit i felt a slight tinge of panic.

As i began to climb the stairs,almost tiptoeing,i could hear my wife speaking!

"Wow,it's a lot bigger than Davids,and much heavier" said my wife with a slightly girly chuckle!

By this time my throat was dry.

"for fucks sake" i thought "she's messing about with the lodger"

Imagine my relief when i opened his room door to find out she was referring to his hair clippers that he'd just bought and was comparing them with my much cheaper babyliss ones.

he'd been shaving his head and had asked the wife to check the back as i also often do.Phew! :)

ps. I wish to make clear i'm referring to my lodger and not theee lodger who frequents the laddies form :)

You may well wonder what this has to do with Poker??? fuck all really but there's a reason for that.It's coz i got nowt to talk about after a 9th in the hi lo Friday,i have muffed out 21st,42nd and 20th last 3 days and can't even begin to drone on about bad beats and shite play.

take care xx

Friday, February 23, 2007

Mad as a Hatter!!

Fuuny old week really.Started on Thursday.Defending my hi lo crown,i got myself into a decent position to then bubbled in 11th.Friday went out early doors playing chite,but then got my act together again Saturday.Played some good stuff but amazingly once again went out 11th ffs.The thing with hi lo is it's so volatile,far more so than holdem in my opinion.You have 2 choices.Either get a good stack and then play tight aggressive or limp onto ft.The only problem with limping is you can get there and be ultra short making life very hard.The other way can of course mean you crash and burn with a210k or something running into AA and this can mean pre-flop then are really in the lap of the gods.this is to some extent why i bubbled but its gotta be taken on the chin as longterm,if you stick to solid principles,you'll profit.

Monday i again played well and made the ft but ran into wildrick's AA and he also flopped trip 222,making my a3 pretty much worthless,me ending up out in 9th.Tuesday and wed was nothing doing,but last night i managed a decent 5th over a field of 71.Quite a few arguments last night over some frankly terrible play being rewarded.a pre flop all in of kk83 being a prime example of some of the shit getting lucky.i was,however resonably happy with 5th and 123$.

Also had my first win on another site,last Saturday,picking up 210$ on full tilt.62 entries and some of the poorest calls and folds i have seen for a longtime.I then played it again Monday making 8th and getting desperately muffed so all in all this could be quite a profitable site for me.

Cant go without a massive mention for Madv.Last night's dreamteam event was won by him.He played some absolutely top drawer poker taking home 1400$ for the team.Absolutely fantastic effort by him,thoroughly deserved,a nicer bloke you couldn't wish to meet.i myslef managed a top 50 positition.Its a game i dislike immensley but it's performance's like vad's that make it worthwhile.well done fella.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Had a fab weekend away at Liverpool playing with some online mates.Met some old mates Vad,Lexus and a few new ones.Good to meet Hach,Lenny and Wildrick at last.We had a good skinful,i got my eyes removed at pool and then played Poker til god knows when.4am at least.Oh,and met the soon to be rock god Liam,who is the only guy i have ever seen play poker while propped up by a cushion :)

oh and not forgetting Alan.He can start a fight in an emtpy room.FFS,i half expected us to be knee capped as we left the casino lmao.At one stage when he called with j5 with an A and a Q on the board i thought it was gonna kick off.It was,as it happened,an excellent call but the lad he eliminated was a big lad.He actually walked past me and uttered "i would have knocked his bastard teeth out if someone hadnt already". Who fancies the next weekend at Peckham Casino??? :)

very well played tho Al,a great result,and an excellent performance.

Good laff, hope to do it again soon.

Big shout to Vad,Rick and Alan who finished 3rd,2nd and 1st respectively.

Well online i played hi lo Monday and finished 44th.terrible bad beats so i wrapped b4 the break,worst was me with AA.flopped re-raised by a kid with a 10,i called and he hits a 10 on river.sick as fuck!

then Tuesday,i played simply awfully.spent 40$ within half hour,lost every hand i entered and finished worst ever performance.then sat and watched Lex play a blinder winning 1900$ in the big monthly.

Just when i thought my game was shot i turned in an excellent game last night,Won the hi lo fairly comfortably 1st from 51 runners winning 394$ yay,my 3rd top 2 finish from last 6 atttempts.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dont play when drunk or tired :)

It's a piece of advice that is regularly dished and to be honest it's sound advice that should not ignored.I,however,did ignore it last night and consequently played like an arse,fishing with shit hi lo hands and making raises when i shouldn't even have been calling.Consequently i blew 40$ on rebuy's and then rapped in before the break in the hi lo,something i never ever do.Fact is,my heart just wasn't in it.I was Pokered out,bored,uninterested,call it what you will but i should not even have been playing and it showed.

I was more interested in what was going on in the poker forums,where some interesting discussions were being held.My tip is when this is the case,log off from your poker acct(thats if you can log in to begin with Laddies ffs lmao) and give poker a miss.It will still be there the next day and you'll save yourself your hard earned cash,unless of course your a refugee, in which case you get your buy-ins for nowt off the government. :)

Bought a copy of the WPT magazine yesterday and downloaded the new site software to try.It has 3d graphics and looks fun althought is more for those like gimmicks as opposed to people concerned only with solid poker.I will post on here what it's like after i have tried it out.

played for an hour or so on and found it to be a pile of hi lo tournies and very few redeeming features and certainly not a patch on Laddies,stars,paradise etc so it quickly got deleted.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

chip and a chair :)

Oh well.the sweet smell of napalm in the morning is fuck all compared to coming back when your out on your arse and winning a tournie.

Monday night i had played steady but was card dead and got to break with around 7k in chips.tried to make a few moves by trying to win a nice pot against a player with half my stack and ended yp fucking myself,taking me down to 2800 chips.Funny how sometimes being short makes you play the kind of ultra aggressive poker you always wish you could play and i got myself up to just under 6k.then had a double and got to around 12k before me and Rick clashed when we both had Fh's,his being better halfing me again.

I then had a slice of fortune and got up to around 11k again before the hand that changed everything in my favour.I flopped a set of K's but unknown to me,my opponent had flopped a FH with his pocket 1010 and a ten on the board.sadly for him and lovely for me,he proceeded to slow play them with a small raise of 1800 on the turn.i called this and low and behold hit another K giving me 4 of a kind.thinking he was ahead,he then called my all in,and i picked up a nice pot of around 23k if my memory serves me right.lucky break for me and end of the road for him.

i got to the FT witt about 36k in 5th place.I played probably my best game for a while and frankly dont recall losing a heads up with about 180k to about 70/80k and it was all over in about ten minutes,giving me 436$,a much needed boost for the bank roll.

Sadly as is the case at present,Laddies crashed again Tues so it was off to play on Paradise,a site i really enjoyed.Gonna visit again soon.

Friday, February 02, 2007

oh well,waste of a Thursday

Dream team game was quite frankly an utter started off with some of the field having 2500 chips and some with 1500 and went on for 20 minutes til eventually they pulled the plug.Not sure if i really wanna play anymore.Will give it a few days and then decide.

I then played the Hi lo and managed a creditable 7th winning 88$ but to be honest i got to the FT with only about 12k and was really short stacked from the minute the FT started.

Looking forward to the superbowl final.Only just got into the NFL again but watch it constantly on Sunday nights now and am gonna miss tip is Bears with a 6.5pt advantage available at 5/6 on Laddies.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

January is now just a distant memory

Reet,aint updated for a while for one very important reason.I could not be arsed. :)
Well it's been an ok month pokerwise with 6 hi lo ft's inc 1 2nd but last 10 days or so i really have been getting some rough knockouts.There's this new player called Flush5 or summit and he really infuriates me by gambling with chit like qq66(in which he hit a 6) and qq55 (in which,yup you guessed it,he hit a 5).he plays recklessly and calls with utter shite and yet seems to make the ft's on a regular basis.I am finding his style of ultra aggressive and kamikaze like play very hard to play against and i have to admit he's unsettled me.He doesn't play traditional hands and must,i'm sure,have scandi blood in him.I did manage a 6th late last week but to be honest should have finished at least 3rd so i was kinda dissappointed.

The Betfair/Badbeat dream team game restarted 2 weeks ago.I gotta admit i hated week 1 and was frankly glad to be out.Last week i surprised myself by making 4th getting 2000 points for the team but i have no current confidence in my texas holdem play and will be surprised if i make top 60 this week but i shall give it a go.

Went to see Newcastle v Villa last night.Villa were frankly woeful in the first 20 mins or so but then,after going 2-0 down,came to life and were much the better side for most of the game and although they lost 3-1,were worthy of a point.Atmosphere was not as good as i expected,football is,in my opinion in danger of dissappearing up its own arse.