Saturday, September 30, 2006

Bigger balls required

Well,i fked up the hi lo game.All my own fault really.Played much too timidly,much too tight and ended up with about 1100 chips after 45 minutes.Finally found a 6 high lo with a flush draw and pushed,but didnt hit,lo lost to a 3 in the hand and i died an inglorious death.

Then weirdly and feeling kind of depressed,i entered the hi lo 200$ added game,played my usual aggressive game and came 4th winning most of my Leocop buy in back.This makes me even more frustrated that i didn't play well in the big one.

Since then,managed a creditable 21st in the Dream team game,being top nutz finisher,and had a couple of ft's on get minted.Other than that,not be so great a week.

My 2nd and final Leocop game is tonight in the 6 seater.I am going aggressive with this one and hope to do a little better.If i bomb out early,i dont mind aslong as i play the hands i get strongly.

nice new site called that i have been playing today.Nice graphics,lots of freerolls,perfect for newbies and low buy in players with small fields of 60 or so.check it out.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

London's Calling

After a small amount of Hoo Haa I have decided to pack the Langers travel kit(4 cans of Budweiser 500ml,a tooth pick,a copy of razzle,and some armpit spray) and head off down to London to visit the Queen.Well enough of meeting up with Vad.I am actually going down to support the Dream team guys as we attempt to find 6 Goa's.No thats not right is it?? Should say win 6 seats to Goa for some muffy Asian poker fest.Apparently worth 8k,but worth sweet fk all if your KK meets J7 and gets busted first hand.

Anyway,i'm looking forward to it,although a little scared as i heard a rumour that in some of the more affluent parts of London it's over a £1 a pint ffs and not all of the bars allow you in with whippets.

Anyhow,tournament wise i have had a good week,a 3rd in the hi lo,an 8th in the hi lo,a 2nd in the omaha and a couple more ft's.Not much $$$'s(maybe won 200 or so)but still some good form of late.

I have decided to buy in to tonight's Hi Lo Leo cop game at 200$ plus 20$ and frankly don't really know how to play it.Probably be tight early on and assess the table but i am hoping that at this level or entry fee there won't be so many muffs about and we'll get a proper game of Poker.I shall however still rant like fk if some little Scandi Muff nicks all my chips with A669.

That's all for now folks,good luck at the tables.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Not updated for a while as i was too busy preparing my own suicide after a rotten run.Glad to say things looking up now after a much better few days.Finally made an Ft on Saturday,making 5th in the 11am.Then had another decent result Sunday in the hi lo,again finishing 9th,just one place outside the Nutz points system(grrrrr).

Best day by far since i started playing poker was yesterday,not financially but pokerwise.

Came 4th in the 11am and at the same time got a very creditable 6th out of 607 in the freeroll,and finished the day with a 3rd in the hi lo pocketing 200 dollars and some much needed nutz points.So 3 Ft's out of 4 entries was very pleasing and a huge boost to my confidence.

Big shout to Rob1973 who is frankly on fire at the moment and cruising the monthly.Rob has been playing out of his skin recently and would of won last month i'm sure,if he wasn't arsing about with Sushi in Singapore.I am currently on day 3 of a diet he sent me,and this morning shat thru the eye of needle for about 15 minutes.He had warned me about the change in bowel movements but this came as quite a surprise to myself and my underwear,when what originally began as a small trouser cought,almost resulted in a complete change of clothing.cheers fella,just weighed in at 14st 2 but surely must have lost a couple of pounds in just one emptying session!!!

Pokerwise,still mainly playing Absolute and Getminted.Customer service from both is excellent and monthly bonus's from both also a nice touch.

Thats all for now folks,gl at the tables!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Blind loyalty

What is it with the laddies punter's(of which i am one) and their seemingly unwavering loyalty despite the fact that the service is sooo poor and there are so many better sites out there??

I have been doing an unofficial survery this week to find out how other sites compare.Financially,they don't even come close with many sites running 2000$ and 3000$ guaranteed games for 5 dollar entry,and the main sites are all doing 70k,80k and 100k main events at 8pm as opposed to laddies frankly piddling in comparison 30k tournie.Yet still the same old faces play day after day and then moan about it on the forum.

Service wise,i emailed Absolute,Titan and Get minted,and all 3 replied to my query within an 2 hours,get minted replying twice in 45 minutes ffs.Ladbrokes?? Well an automated response and then nothing still as we speak.This simply isn't good enough and is why i now play 3 tournies a day there as opposed to about 8-10 previously.Frankly it's their loss not mine.I am finding absolute to be a very good site with plenty of players,many of which aren't particulary good,meaning a nice profit in my first 10 days or so.

As for my leaguenutz form,i am somehow in 5th despite a dreadful run of form,but am way off the pace.

Saturday's laddies do make an effort with some good added value tournies,so i will probably try them today,but why oh why don't they make the same effort during the week for the regulars.

Huge day today for my club Leeds United.My contacts down there tell me the noose is tightened and the axe ready to fall if we lose at Coventry today.Fan's favorite for the job is Curbishly but fact is it's a huge rebuilding job and i'm not sure if Alan would fancy it.Don't rule out a return by former manager Oleary who has a lot to prove after his nightmare at the Villa.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Good old Peedy and Rick back in a town near you soon!!

I have been so utterly poo at poker this week,other than a 6th yesterday in the 11am,that i thought i'd stick a nice piccie up of my favorite band,Go West,who are about to embark on their 21st anniversary tour and are well worth checking out live if they come to a town near you!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A week is a long time in politics....

and is a fucking lifetime in poker.I say this coz i went from thinking i was the next Phil Ivey(admittedly a pale fat geordie version) to playing like i was the new Danny La rue,and couldn't last more than ten minutes in a tourney without fking it up.

I did finally see a chink of light on Friday when i managed to scrape a 14th in a freezout,and this slight change of fortune helped me to win the 11am on Saturday,my first win for quite some time,scoring 48 nutz points and lifting me up to 5th.

Yesterday i made 2 ft's,a 9th in the 11am when my AA got called by JJ and a J hit,and then again last night,i made 9th in the hi lo,only to be well and truly muffed by someone who didn't seem to understand the rules but went on to win the thing,typical of the sort of thing that can happen in hi lo.

On a personal note,i would like to comment on the ladbrokes forum.Sadly it is currently a runaway train,where people can say anything they like and then fk off,leaving a trail of destruction behind them.This forum needs to be moderated,and certain posts removed as some of the comments made are libellous to say the least.I do hope Ladbrokes address this soon.

Motor City

If you like Motown,this album is for you.12 classic tracks from one of,if not theeeee,finest male vocalist around.



Motor City Music is available for pre-order NOW on Townsend Records so to grab your copy and take advantage of the brilliant offer to get a FREE Official Peter Cox Ringtone with the Album! To order your Album which will be sent to you in time to reach you on October 02 2006 just click
Aside from sales on Townsend the Limited Edition release will also be available from the Merchandise Desk at every Gig on the wonderful Go West Anniversary Tour this Autumn.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Who shot JFK???

I tend not to listen too much to conspiacy theorists,as they can in fact convince you of almost anything.There are currently lots of bollox post's on Laddies re-launched(but frankly crap) forum that reckon Laddies deal you rubbish cards when you withdraw.What a load of twaddle!!!

....However,i withdrew two weeks worth of winning's on Friday,after winning the hi lo for the second time in 3 days,and since then up until last night i hadn't won a bean.Coinicidence i'm sure!

Anyhow,moving on from my last rubbish blog,I did win the Hi Lo pocketing 600 plus dollars,but alas still trailed Lexus by 50 odd points,finishing a clear 2nd.A pleasing result as i don't tend to play the high entry turbo's and crap shoots,so i'm happy.

After that,Saturday and Sunday,i was pretty rubbish,and can't even blame bad beats,just rubbish raises,rubbish calls,and some frankly arsehole bluffs that failed to convince a 2 year old that i had anything other than Q3.

Monday,i got back on track,getting 10th in the 11am and then an excellent 3rd in the hi lo,picking up 300 plus $,which has built up my bankroll again nicely.

I desperately need a good Nutz tourney,as i totally forgot to enter the hi lo for Nutz,so tonight may attempt to muff a turbo.

Well Done SpursAlan on his Rocco win in what turned out to be a very stiff contest :) Its on its way fella!!! Happy tugging!!!