Saturday, July 29, 2006

ffs,talk about overvalueing ya hand!!!

11am today i saw a kid,who's name sadly escapes me,blow 2 and a half hours of graft in a frankly ridiculous piece of play.Board was j89,and this kid,sitting with 33k and in 2nd place,decides his J5 warrants a 13k raise after the flop.Sadly for him,Shaunace,with a similarly big stack has q10,and puts him all in.Even then,for some reason known only to himself,the muff calls the relevant 20k he has left and muffs out on the bubble,which is of course my job.

Wish i knew his name,if only i knew how to work the various history thingymajigs laddies have in place but i'm fecked as i dont.Never mind.

Anyway,i busted on in 9th when my QQ met AA(n1 laddies,it's no longer amusing) but did at least get a few nutz points after my kak day yesterday.

More importantly, i forgot to mention the World Nutz Heads up match yesterday v Fryern,the nutz number 1 bluffer and king of the sarcy comment.I had lost 2-0 previously the week before but had been on medication.This time,there was no contest as i bludgeoned him to death in the 1st game and then finally killed him off when his 66 tragically ran into my AA and i broke the previous calling record,managing to press my call button in 0.00000002 of a second.On a serious note,it was a good game,Fry's a tricky customer as he does a lot of bluffing,raising with poo and is pretty hard to read,so i enjoyed the contest.

Reet,off to open my birthday cards,see ya soon!!!

Bubble Bubble toil and trouble!!!

Fucking hell,i hate the bubble.

Yesterday,i played the 23.15 Omagha,and was reet down to fk all(3k) and somehow thru a few good hands managed to get up to 6th with 11 left (top ten paid).

Then low and behold,flops Ak Two pair with an 8 on the board,and only goes and walks into 888 and it's bye bye fat geordie bastard on the bubble.This was the 2nd time this week in the 23.15 i bubbled,and to make matters worse,the night b4,i bubbled in the 9.15 hi lo after 2 and a half hours.

i also fucking hate when u get "gg ul Langers" by the other ten and really they are giving it "get in there ya stupid fat geordie twat,you blew ya stack,yippee,you stupid,stupid little man!!!!"

The Hi lo is for me the best tournie on the net,really interesting game with some of laddies best players always in the mix,so i am pretty pleased with my form in this game as i am a total novice at it.I have so far won it once,and 3 ft's aswell as a bubble and a 13th so for me this tournie is really good value.

Had a little tot last night and find i made somewhere in the region of £450 in July off laddies in mainly mtt's so a pretty good month for me.For the first time i feel getting into the top 250 each week is achievable but i really need to make more high posititions i.e. top 3 as opposed to limping to the table with no chips and busting out 8th and 9th so i am now trying to adapt my game to be more aggressive late on with some good advice i got off Madv. It was something along the lines of 1 first is better than a shitload of 10th's or words to that effect and he is course totally correct so i suppose a few bubbles is part of the process in trying to get the chips necessary to win the fucking thing.

Late last night i managed a creditable 17th in the quick blinds out of 405 runners so pretty pleased with that as turbo type things aint really my cup of tea.

Need some Nutz points today though as faltering as of late,so gonna try to pick up summit in the muppfest rebuys early doors.

oh and Happy Birthday to me,38 today and don't look a day over 37,hehe!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Jat is the Daddy!

I am very proud of my boy Jat today after his top 40 finish in the Daddy.I haven't always been a fab father after i conceived him at Glastonbury in 1973,but he has more than made up for lost time in recent years after me and his mam had a chance encounter in a motorway toilet in 1997 after i stopped off to visit the Little chef.

Since then i have watched with pride as he struck his first hole in one in 1998 with a girl from Chippenham who was camping with her dad.I also saw his first Royal flush when Prince William asked him during a round of golf,whether much cottaging went on in the bushes of the local 18 holer.

Tonight though,he truly excelled himself with a dynamic display of power poker that did the boys proud.Well done lad.we are all very proud of you!!!

As for myself,muffed out of the 11am with my 5k raise with QQ not enough to put off a Scandi with the monstrous AQ,and then blew a 10k stack in the 6 seater when my 99's and umpteen straight draws fell to a flush.Also fecked up in the Hi Lo when 4th with 19 left.I did however make a nice £120,with £100 on Hamilton to beat Lewis in the darts at 5/6 so ended the day nicely up.

take care,fellow muffers!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Not sure why i bother playing Poker as it seems like even when i have success it's like 3 hours of stress to muff out about 8th for like 17 dollars.

Today for example,i rose at 8am,and got out of bed at 8.15 and decided to try for the first time ever the early morning freezout at 8.30am.

I managed to muff my way to the final table,even beating AA with j9(they were suited ffs,don't pontifcate to me twat coz you once watched later night poker) and then busted out when my A10 ran into KK.Funny but my KK always runs into A10 and loses but cest la vie.Ended up 6th for 17 dollars and only 3 hours work.The little kids making the replica shirts for Scumchester United actually earn more per hour.

He he i thought,what a fab day i'm gonna have,this poker game is easy peasy,loads of fish to fry etc etc

Sadly i never won another bean hence i'm having this late rant!!

Anyhow,must get back to the table,im in the 20k quick stack,laterz and gl at the tables(aslong as your not at mine) xx flanders

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another bollocks day poker wise.Had to actually do some work today,so couldn't play til the 2pm rebuy.I battled my way to the Final table,only to get dragged off shopping by the wife,so finished tenth making aboslutely zilcho,diddly squat fuck all.

Then played the 20.30 and built up to 5k only to lose to a flush chaser when i had 2 pair.Then same thing happened in the 22.15,and i lost in 20th in the 9pm rebuy to my 1010 running into a real sneaky bastard who had the fucking nerve to call me with AA.Wanker!!!!

Don't these fuckwits no i am a poker God and not to call or raise me however strong their hands are??? Fools.

I am now about to arse about in the 23.15 Omagha,but hopefully will get muffed early doors so i can get a reasonably early night as tomorrow is Dan's birthday and i want to clean his cage and give him some nice cauliflower.

Take care all (unless your the twat who knocked me out of a tourney in which case,fuck u twat!!!)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday 18th

Had a bit of a late session last night due being involved at the FT of the 23.15 5 dollar Omagha at which i somehow managed to Muff my way into 3rd place,picking up 56 dollars.Not bad for 3 hours work!!
As usual a good laff was had with the Nutz crew who helped stop me falling akip with their saucy innuendo's and vulgar chit chat.I also inadvertently mentioned i was playing the FT stark bollock naked but i am hoping they have forgotten all about that by now.

Earlier in the day i limped to 8th in the 11am but busted out with my blind steal of A10 running into AA. I SO FUCKING HATE SNEAKY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!! and breathe.........

Weather in Whippet Country is frankly far to blumming hot.Normally at this time of year i am wearing my Snorkel jacket and a pair of Doc Martens,so ffs God,sort it out m8!!

Today i broke the news to my pet Rabbit Flopsy,that she may well be making her debut in the Dream team game as Vad has offered me 3/1 at £100 that i don't go out first,which of course i would do if i personally played.Flopsy is what i would call a tight/aggressive player but sometimes has a tendency to over committ pre-flop with PP's.However,as she is a 6 month old Rabbit i feel i can forgive her this frankly small fault in her game.

My other Rabbit, Dan, doesn't give a flying fuck about Poker but will,if you stay in his run too long,hump the living daylights out of your ankle given half a chance.A chip off the old block is Dan,as i was the same as a teenager.

Anyhows,must dash,got the 18.15 high stack to play,which i no doubt will bust out of early doors as per fucking usual.

Take care and thanks for stopping by.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 1

I have for some time been considering one of these but frankly couldn't be arsed.Today however,with fuck all happening other than a magpie shitting on my thigh while i considered buying some new novelty slippers,i decided enough was enough and today was the day.

So here it is...

At the moment it's rather like the lass next door i.e. not much to look at.

I hope to make it interesting first and foremost to myself,coz let's face it,if i don't read it,i very much doubt any other twat will.

It's content shall mainly include Poker badbeats,of which i specialise,and anything of interest that has happended to me on that particular day,occasionally beefed up by what i can only describe as pure and utter bullshit,in order to make me appear more windswept and interesting.

Thanks for stopping bye,please call again(though frankly i give not a shit whether you do or not)

Take care
